Social Media Break: Unfollowing The Shade Room for 3 Weeks

Social Media Break: I Unfollowed The Shade Room for 3 Weeks

The Shade Room is one of Instagram’s most toxic pages that feed off of celebrity culture. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know about it, then stay there. The page highlights black positivity, yet the comment section, usually filled with black people themselves, can be filled with so much hatred.

People in the Shade Room defending R-Kelly.

It doesn’t help that sometimes the page covers negative news for the sake of its comments. Unfortunately, the toxicity and ignorance weren’t what made me unfollow the page in the first place. I found the page to hilarious and truthful at times to quit. It was the constant action of putting celebrities on pedestals that made me hit unfollow.

Instagram Is Taking Over

Instagram app has about 201 million followers

As the years progress, so does technology. Unfortunately, that means social media as well. Instagram is at its height now and Twitter is not that far behind. With people going as far as to have their whole lifestyles being funded by their social media pages, it’s no secret that people feel validated from the attention they get from online strangers.

I’ve always been open about my opinion surrounding social media. This post is no different.

The number of likes on Instagram is very important to certain people.

It’s a recipe. Likes, followers, and even comments dictate how famous you are. It doesn’t take talent anymore to make it in this world. And honestly, the day Instagram goes obsolete, it will be for the best.

Celebrities Are More Important Than Us

Kim Kardashian stepping into the Shade Room to defend herself.

I’ve also mentioned that I needed to remove myself from these celebrity blog pages. Although I follow only 1 minor celeb page, unfollowing The Shade room was a big deal to me. I would find myself refreshing the page and be so consumed what a celebrity is doing.

Why did I find myself wasting so much energy on people who don’t know I even exist? It’s not like they will make any laws or pay my bills.

Unbothered But Bothered

Rihanna's unbothered look.

The downside to wasting all this energy is that we compare and most of the time, we feel guilty. We feel guilty and miserable about the stuff we don’t have. We look at all these celebrities and feel insecure because they are rich, have kids, are in a loving relationship, traveling, and are still going to remain rich after those travels.

Meanwhile, we are eating Digiorno for dinner, out of work watching a marathon of The Nanny or probably typing up a blog like me in my PJs at night.

We Give Pages and People So Much Power

The most followed celebrities on IG: Selena, Kylie, Arianna

I try to analyze it this way. We are giving these celebrities all this power by stalking their every move. I mean congrats to their success, but why should I be reminded about it every day. Why should I purposely put myself in that boat of envy by following big blogs such as The Shade Room?

These pages tend to be biased and are usually on some type of payroll. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to not hear celebrity news, but trust me you can limit what you see by like 90%.

The Toxicity of The Shade Room

The Shade Room comments ripping up on a baby's appearance.

Just like your average Joe, I don’t have my life figured out. The same goes for the Shade Room commentators who rip people up to shreds. I refuse to further let anyone make me feel bad about what I don’t have because it is so easy to feel insecure scrolling down on IG. I plan to give the whole app a break because IG itself is toxic. The Shade Room is just a baby step.

These Celebs Ain’t S***

Again, these celebrities on these blog pages aint s***

And let’s be real, a lot of these celebrities have hand-outs, no talent, controversies for days, and shitty characters. You see so many committing suicides because sometimes fame just isn’t what it really is.

This is why I think standing celebrities can actually be dumb. That’s another blog, but we need to not put people on a pedestal especially for hours scrolling through their page. Focus on yourself more and be inspired not hypnotized.

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