Social Media Is Ruining Our Twenties: Take A Break

Social Media Is Ruining Our Twenties: Take A Break

You always hear how addicting social media is. I even have a whole professor who swears by it. I also agreed, yet like many others, I still had Instagram, Twitter, Facebook installed on my phone. I have FOMO (fear of missing out) and these apps update me on the latest news. However, these apps also make me feel very crappy about myself. I feel envious seeing these celebrities on their filthy rich vacations, designer clothes, and happy in their relationships. As a college student, I’m not going to reach this lavish lifestyle anytime soon.

How Easy It Is To Compare And Feel Depressed

Two fruit comparing themselves

Because social media is so available, it’s easy to look at a post and compare it to your life. Often times social media makes me feel angry about what I don’t have and what others do have. I must say my mood swings have stemmed from being on social media and comparing myself to celebrities/influencers. In reality, these celebrities only post the great moments of their lives. Literally, there’s always a negative story on a celeb every day, yet on that celeb’s actual Instagram page, there’s no sign of that negativity. It’s all a facade. They wouldn’t dare to post their worst moments.

A Lot Of People Who Are Famous Shouldn’t Be Famous

The "cash me outside" girl got famous off of social media for being disrespectful.

Plus, we here about a bunch of celebrities being very awful human beings. Although I’m sure there are good ones out there, many are spoiled, arrogant, careless, mean-spirited, etc. These industries can really create monsters and greed can do a number to people. Furthermore, a lot of people simply pretend to live a lavish life they don’t really have. Or they partake in sketchy/questionable actions, which happens most of the time to have that life. Just look at the Clermont twins. There are many cases where the dumbest of the dumb, less talented, and most controversial become famous. Look at the Kardashians.

“But You’re Still Young”

I'm too young to be feeling this depressed because of social media

Yes, I am but social media will literally get the death of me. I am 20, yet I worry about what I shouldn’t be worrying about. Whether its worrying about being single or worrying about not having my dream job, I have tons of years ahead of me. Yet, I care so much and I get so jealous of people who are living the “great life” on social media. I get angry that I am not experiencing an ounce of that fantasy.

We Always Obsess Over Celebs

People obsessing over celebrities.

Yesterday as my friends and I were hanging out in Starbucks, the conversation shifted to the topic of celebrities. One of my friends say, “Can we please not talk about celebrities”? It was a wake-up call as it showed me how obsessed we are with them. I also think the reason we jumped onto the topic of celebrities in the first place was because there wasn’t much going on in our lives. We all just came from college, a hub for depression.

Onto My Own Social Media Break

Social media break flyers being thrown

I always planned on taking a social media break, but it wasn’t until that Starbucks moment that I realized I needed a break. Ironically, some of the small social media influencers I follow also went on their break stating how toxic social media can be. It inspired me to go on my break this week. Now, the average twenty-year-old or twenty-something-year-old doesn’t have their s*** together. A lot of us are looking for jobs, love, money, roommates, and ultimately ourselves. We aren’t Mark Zuckerbergs and that is completely normal. Social media normalizes a lot of what isn’t the case. Focus on yourself and not on these toxic apps that make you feel like crap. Remember your journey is different from what you see online. Keep living your life and you may inspire more people than these online figures/celebs do. That’s some relatability.

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