Manifesting Journey for 2021

My Manifestation Journey for 2021

I’ve been very aware of the manifestation trend going on. It’s a trend on Tik Toc, and I’ve seen my fellow Youtubers talking about it. I was always hesitant because you really can’t control everything in life. In fact, many time the people who are going through hard times didn’t purposely put themselves there. It’s usually due to some external force that we can’t control.

But, I wanted to give it a go considering how shitty my 2020 year has been. I’m currently a senior and one of the things I’ve been anxious about has been my post grad life. With the current climate of COVID, striking luck is still frustrating.

There was a moment on my site where I was just down in the dumps complaining about my college experience. By the end of that year (2019), my life was at an all time high and everything I essentially got what I wanted. But, since then, life has taken away those highs away from me and I wanted to see if I can manifest some new highs for this year. After all, I did it once so I’m hoping that my magical blog alongside other tactics I’ve been doing can help me deliver some lifelong blessings for 2021.

1) A Great Career After College

Specifically, one that will allow me to advocate and highlight people of color who are trying to break into the film industry. I want to see more diverse directors, producers, screenwriters, etc and not have their voices marginalized or worse stereotyped. My ideal job is to be a script coordinator for a company who shares the same mission statement as I do. Nevertheless, it would be great to work in a company where there is a great amount of people of color working alongside me where we aren’t just ploys for tokenism.

I am manifesting that these people are nice, welcoming, but hard working. I’m not going to lie, I can be a bit of a klutz and it will take me a while to pick up the pace of things. But, I do manage to get the job done. I know I will give my all to whatever job I am performing, but I don’t want it to have a mental strain on me. One of my highlights during the pandemic was enjoying my hobbies and rediscovering myself after being such a workaholic. I want to find a balance of work and a balance of my private happiness. Lastly, I want to get paid a great wage!

UPDATE: Since this blog was drafted in January, I’ve actually got an internship at The CW! This opportunity literally came to me similar to how I got recruited for Sony. Nevertheless, this positive sign gives me hope that I am able to attract greatness into my life.

2) My ideal place

My ideal place to live as of now is California. I feel like my time there has been cut short and nevertheless the jobs I am hoping to get are located there. When I was there, I definitely enjoyed my experience. I know I will always be nostalgic of NYC, but I think California has a space for my heart.

I hope to get a great apartment that I can afford with my job. Hopefully the management is much better and responsive than the management for the building I currently live in. A house would be lovely, but I’d want to make sure I am actually ready for that. A spacious and safe neighborhood is always a plus for a woman like me. I may even opt for a pet to help me with my loneliness. Even if I don’t move to California right away, I do want to settle in a space where I can just breathe and feel free.

3) Social Moments

This one is a bit impossible now, but I crave for social interactions now. Although my schedule is going to be hectic in the next few weeks, I still long for connection. I miss hanging out with friends in person. I miss hugs, I miss eye contact, and I miss memories.

I’ve realized I’m a bigger extrovert than I thought. Although there is ease to our virtual world now including me working for a California based job, I don’t really like it. In fact, it does more harm than good and makes people more unsocial. I guess I just want to feel happy again, go out and drink, and create the best in my 20s.

4) A Healthy Great Relationship

Although I get in my feels about being single, there’s a reason why this is a bit lower on the list. I’ve gotten better at easing my anxiety and I know having a relationship won’t bring you grand happiness. But, it would be great to have someone who not only shows romantic interest in me but also so someone who isn’t afraid to pursue me. I have chased guys so many times in my life and I want to start attracting now.

The dream guy I would love to attract is someone who is motivated, ambitious, and has a great career ahead of him. Someone who has a positive outlook on life. Someone who is okay with my non-PC humor and my oddness. Someone who isn’t afraid of change nor commitment. A guy who is emotionally available and will hype me up to the fullest. A very handsome guy who will provide unconditional love, motivation for himself and I, respect, loyalty, the will to compromise, and equal partnership to the relationship. A guy who has HEALTHY coping mechanisms and has a secure attachment style. I want a guy who can lead and step up. Lastly, a guy who isn’t afraid to challenge me when I’m in the wrong.

5) My Blog 🙂

My blog has had a great success with its views last year. I never expected this blog to blow up the way it has since I first started as a freshman. Now that I am a senior, I appreciate the progress this blog has made in the last 4 years when I first started it.

The main thing I want to manifest for my blog is consistency. I appreciate how Pinterest has revolutionized my viewership so much. My main goal is to make these numbers consistent and to hopefully grow my site. Although, I will say with the unexpected success I have with this site, I am very comfortable with what I was able to reach now.

So Lastly…

I tried to publish this blog earlier this year, but school and other personal stresses got in the way. But since we are only 3 months into 2021, it’s still early to see some change. I’m ready to attract it!

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