Do 20 Something Year Olds Have More Pressure These Days?

Do 20 Something Year Olds Have More Pressure These Days?

I recently graduated from NYU and I’m so hyped on embarking on a new journey. Luckily, my internship with The CW has been extended which is great considering how terrible the job market is now. Unfortunately, it has kept me off of my baby for a while.

But now that I’m back, I think I should reflect on things. Looking back at my college experience, I definitely feel like I was robbed because of the pandemic. However, I also appreciate some of the fun moments I did get to experience like meeting new people, socializing, and doing stupid things. It doesn’t help that I’ve gone through mental health struggles including anxiety and some recent fall outs.

It’s pretty obvious that many adolescents have mental health issues, trouble securing employment, paying our parents debts, social media, dating, the list can go on. Add the hormones and how we lack development and you will see why some of us are a mess. But let me bring out some of the general reasons.

Social Media

FOMO is a real thing and one the reasons that I feel so disconnected with the world. Seeing everyone jump into relationships, get the best job, have these fancy homes cause me to feel disappointed with my own life. Nevertheless, it doesn’t knowing that “the 20s is about living your life”. And although I’ve had some amazing moments, social media has made me feel so inadequate in my experiences.

This Pandemic

This pandemic has basically destroyed social interactions and have contributed to mental health issues. Unfortunately, I spent the majority of my senior year at home going crazy. I can just imagine how worse others may feel.

Although the vaccination rollout is promising, my generation has to compete with those who lost jobs last year because of the pandemic.

Our Upbringing

I’ve seen so many cases where people are traumatized from their upbringing and have to deal with unlearning unhealthy habits. They’ve become so internalized with wild thoughts that sometimes get in the way they process life.

Nevertheless, they, including myself, are brung up in systemic situations and can’t do much about it. In fact, I unfortunately have to contribute to my family’s well being before my own. Aww the result of an immigrant, single mother, low income household. This adds to the ever growing list of the mental health problems this generation has.


I may be bias, but in this moment, I do think 20 year olds have immense pressure. A lot of it gets posted on social media which as a result creates higher societal expectations that can indeed be overwhelming.

Almost all my friends have some type of mental breakdown, illness, or battle they are going through. And although I can’t speak for everyone in my age group, being 22 isn’t as celebratory as how Hollywood portrays it. This isn’t to negate that we or at least I have my privileges. Right now, I don’t have it all together, but I love planning how my life will potentially look like in the next few months. I feel liberated and optimistic in using my 20s to get an early start to a fresh beginning despite the traumas I have faced.

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