How I Convinced My Hispanic Mother To Go Natural

How I Convinced My Hispanic Mother To Go Natural

I never though I’d see the day when my mom would go natural. After going through so much trauma with my relaxers through high school, I shook my household when I told them I’m finally going to transition to natural hair.

Judgment when I decided to go natural

At first, people were judging me and my decision. However, once my hair began to flourish and grow longer, people started appreciating my decision a lot more.

A beautiful girl with a perfect twist out

This presents another problem in the natural hair community where only long natural hair is accepted. But, the praise was still lovely and was shocking considering how much creamy crack my family put on my hair throughout my childhood.

But My Mom Yall Has Changed Her Mind…..

My mom finally decided to go natural

My mom hasn’t been relaxing her hair for a while. She had some shoulder problems and had been neglecting her hair. She basically told me that she wanted to go natural at this point especially she wanted to leave her roots alone.

Unfortunately I couldn’t be there with her every step on the way because I was away for college. However, I she started taking some of my at-home natural hair products. She was starting her natural hair journey without me regardless!

A store filled with natural hair products

I’ve given her tips nonetheless, and she actually listens. There are some things she does with her transitioning hair that urk me such as applying heat after EVERY wash day.

Covid 19 Is The Time To Focus On Your Curls

Take care of your curls during the quarantine

But, ever since this quarantine, I’ve been seeing improvement and the curls are making their entrance. And, now that I’m home, I physically can help her out myself.

I got you during your natural hair journey

So how did I convince my mom to go natural? First, I served as a model for her that growing long and healthy natural hair can be achieved. Second, she didn’t have the patience and energy to keep up with relaxing her hair.

Amara La Negra with beautiful black hair

That’s not to say that maintaining natural hair itself is time consuming. However, with rumors on how long this quarantine will last, my mom has plenty of time to figure it out.

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