Do College Degrees Matter in 2019? My Opinion

Do College Degrees Matter in 2019? My Opinion

College degrees are accomplishments. But in the midst of competitive job-hunting and low chances of actually getting a well-paying job with benefits, is having a college degree worth it?

A blonde woman crying about her college degree before working as a stripper gif.

Graduates With No Jobs

This is my biggest fear in the next two years: graduating with no job. I hear horror stories of people being unemployed for months and even years after graduating. Furthermore, it sucks knowing you invested in college to find a job only to come out jobless.

Many people with college degrees find themselves unemployed.

The Competitiveness In Your Field

Jobs are hard to get no matter what. But, certain fields may be harder than others. And if we are really being honest, some fields can play downright dirty, be racist, sexist, etc. AKA, Hollywood, a field that I wish to go into someday to screenwrite.

Hollywood is extremely cutthroat.

It sucks knowing you are well-qualified or you know you have the potential to take on a job. Yet, you are given no chances.

It Gets To A Point Where You Don’t Give A F*** About Your Degree

I hear about people storing their college degrees in a closet or in a safe and have no intention of using it again out of frustration of not getting a job in their field.

After graduating and getting their degrees, students find themselves unemployed.

It sucks when you have a passion for something so bad, yet you can’t do anything about it because again, you are being overlooked. You have no chance but to pick a job outside your interest that pays the bills even if you hate the job that much.

And Then There’s Capitalism

Coming from a family of immigrants, America has done a ton for us. However, seeing the jobs that immigrants get stuck with and seeing that impact on future generations is depressing (another blog).

Immigrants, we get the job done- Hamilton

Besides, the rich literally get richer while anyone who is not, gets f***ed. I was even discussing with my friend, like where do these people store their millions of dollars at? And how do these deals go down? I know a contract is involved, but I’m talking about the physical essence of all that money.

The 1% keeps getting richer. The economic crisis is ridiculous.

The American dream is super expensive and just ideal these days. And what’s the point of getting to the 1% when everything is corrupt. The best chance to get to that 1% seems to be through marriage or having connections. Aww, the sweet old “having connections for jobs”.

Many with college degrees find themselves in huge debt working jobs outside their field.

OK, But Do College Degrees Matter?

I say it depends on your field. I think many recruiters would like to know if you legit took the classes/training. At the same time, there are jobs where you don’t necessarily need a college degree. You just need to know your s***.

A graduate with "hire me" on his cap.

And even though I am ranting, I remember this girl telling me “you need to be THE change”. Hell, Hollywood desperately needs that change and me personally. So no matter what odds are against me, I can’t constantly let it phase me. I need to be confident or at least pretend to be.

You will always have some support system.

And, I still do see college degrees as a huge accomplishment and believe they are great alternatives to have in life. I would feel proud knowing I survived classes for years going for my passion. It’s life and I try! And honestly, if I don’t make it, I want to have my small side business.

People make big bucks in the most unconventional ways without going to college. Drawing for commissions, blogging, streaming games, social media, etc. There’s nothing like being your own boss with or without an education.

If things go south, be your own boss and focus on yourself. That's true happiness.

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