These Abortion Laws Are Just Dumb…

On Abortion: These Abortion Laws Are Just Dumb…

So there has been a bunch uproar on recent abortion laws being passed. If I remember correctly, Alabama is the face of this controversy as they outlawed nearly all abortions. This is some real progress from Roe vs Wade (sarcasm). It looks like coat hanger abortions are going to be on the rise.

Laws Controlling Women

Although I don’t consider myself a feminist in the Western ideal because these days feminism is not feminism, I do believe that women have the right to do whatever it pleases to their body. Now people may have judgments and opinions as to what is acceptable, but at the end of the day, we don’t have the final say when it comes to controlling what a woman does with her body. So, why the hell should a state do so?

Mixing Beliefs and Laws

Besides, how much rape victims are screwed under these legislation changes, I hate how people are mixing their personal and religious beliefs with politics. Whether you think abortion is wrong or not, why impose your beliefs on a law. It’s bias, unsafe, unconstitutional, and it’s very dictatorship as if you ask me. Also, it’s not like these states are going to raise the unaborted kids. Like why does it matter if you’re never going to see these kids? I just don’t get their mentality.

I Just Think This is Dumb

If you can’t tell, I believe abortion laws are dumb. There are many instances where rape, incest, and unfortunate events make having an abortion crucial. There are other instances where mistakes happen. Having an underage family member pregnant now, I can’t imagine how limited she would be not to have the option to get an abortion. The financial difficulties are real aswell with the thought of having to take care of someone every day. Hell, even people of age aren’t in the right situation to have a baby. This isn’t to say that some responsibility shouldn’t be shed on these people, but who is the law to take away a right from them.

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