My Thoughts on Cardi B.

Cardi B. And Her Live: My Thoughts on her

So I have a love hate relationship with Cardi B. I love her vibrate personality and I have to admit her songs are catchy. However, I question her judgement, seen with her taking back her cheating husband, and her mouth. Nevertheless, I do understand why people whine about her not writing any of her lyrics. I usually envision rappers rapping from their heart and putting in on their lyrics. It sucks for the rappers who write their art and can’t even get the recognition they deserve which honestly this happens so much nowadays.

About Her Live

Disgusting…very disgusting. As a person who grew up from a low-income neighborhood in the Bronx raised by a single immigrant mother, we had our moments of struggle. A bunch of people did. However, you would never see me robbing or drugging someone to “survive”. I hate how people use the excuse of being poor to make morally poor choices. And at the end of the day, that wasn’t even an apology. She used being poor to play the victim card instead of admitting she was wrong.

Surviving Cardi B.

I do however, have to look at things differently. The hashtag #SurvivingCardiB. is a play off of Surviving R Kelly, a known predator at this point. I think it’s extreme to compare Cardi with R-Kelly who raped many underage girls. That’s a stretch. I will also say that Cardi had a point with how drugs and rape and glorified in the rap community especially by males. There are a bunch of popular songs that allude to these topics, yet these male rappers are never “cancelled“. I do see the double standard that she expresses.

But, there is a double standard in how serious her live was taken. Yes, there is outrage. But, if a male admitted to drugging a female for money, he probably would have been charged and sentenced. Cardi will most likely get away with this as her gender, and even money would allow her too.

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The Reality…

The reality is that Cardi is a role model to many people, not me though. Although she never claimed to be a saint or a role model for others, she is. Once you are a public figure, you have influence, power, and a bunch of people look up to you. It’s that simple.

The truth is that I will probably still listen to her music because it is very catchy. But Cardi really needs to watch herself because her mouth will be her downfall. At this point, I am surprised by how much she has gotten away especially with that dead child comment. She needs to sincerely control herself.

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