Natural Hair Mistakes: 4 Errors I Made On My Journey

Natural Hair Mistakes: 4 Errors I Made On My Journey

Going natural has been a true journey. With curls and volume, I practically use my own hair as a pillow. But looking back, I could have retained more length. Don’t get me wrong, I big chopped last year and have grown my hair to past my shoulders. But, like everything, you learn as you go. Here are some natural hair mistakes that I have made.

Using no products after the big chop

Natural hair products that I should have used

I was trying to be those all natural type of naturalistas. My hair did have some curl, but it wasn’t defined nor shiny. I would literally only use olive oil. Also, because I shied away from products the first few months of detangling my natural hair were touch. A comb nor a denman brush would never glide through my hair. It wasn’t only until this year I actually found products that are actually compatible with my hair.

No heat when deep conditioning

Natural hair mistake: not adding heat while deep conditioning

I use to do the towel wrapped around my head. After watching this Youtube video, I decided to switch to heat so that the conditioner can actually penetrate through my hair. Not only has my hair been softer, but the detangling process is much faster.

Not focusing on the ends

Natural hair mistake: Not giving much attention to my ends

Because I used little product in the beginning, my ends were very dry. To make matters worse, I usually did puffs so my ends were always exposed. When my hair shrunk, my hair became matted and fairy knots would form. I still get fairy knots til this day, but it’s not as frequent now considering I stretch my hair with twists outs. Not sealing my ends was a big natural hair mistake.

Constant Manipulation

like I said, puffs were my thing. When I did start using products, it would take a lot of energy redefining my curls. Not to mention they aren’t the best protective style. When I did straighten my hair, I noticed some bad ends that I immediately chopped off. Yes, I did have some breakage. Regardless, I still love my puffs so that’s that.

These were the natural hair mistakes I made. I still feel like my progress over the past year has been amazing. But, reflecting is key and knowledge is power. Tips can be found here for help. My hair will flourish with what I know now. I just have to remember it’s a journey.

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