Why I Will Never Regret Going Natural

Going Natural: Why I Will Never Regret My Journey

Going natural is literally a blessing. Literally a year ago, I big chopped my hair. I couldn’t deal with the straight damaged ends plus I loved the volume of my puffy hair. Now, my hair has grown significantly and I can’t wait to let flow over the summer. I’m just in awe.

Did Someone Say Thick Hair?

Woman posing with her natural hair

I was always obsessed with the idea of having big hair. When I use to relax my hair, I hated the flatness. It looked super boring and there was no sexy feel to it. Now that my hair is bigger and is flourishing more than ever, I show it off as I should. I’m proud of what comes out of my scalp.

Soft and Luscious

Bow fluffling her natural hair

One of my biggest concerns with going natural was having difficulty managing it. Coming from a Hispanic household, pelo malo refers to natural hair that is type 4. It’s seen as ugly and my mom always broke her back trying to detangle my hair. However, now that I know what I’m doing, the work is worth it. I’ve actually grown to love detangling my hair and moisturize my locks. Plus, it gives me some downtime.

Definition Popping

Woman modeling her natural hair

When you find the right product to define your curls, it’s like whoa. You have been touched by an angel. But seriously, when we master our wash and gos, twists out, and braid outs, NO ONE, and I mean absolutely no one can mimic our beauty. Most people think of natural hair looking and feeling like a Brillo Pad. In reality, our curls are literally from another dimension of radiating beauty.

Long Like A Goddess

Disney's Rapunzel with natural hair

We can grow yards and inches too despite the saying black women can’t. I must say seeing how long my hair has gotten is pretty fun. I’m currently on my journey to boob length even though shrinkage hates me. But seriously though, I can never have achieved the length I currently have with relaxed hair. My hair just broke off and looked like a total mess. But with these tips, I was able to get a head full of hair.

Overall, I was definitely met for the natural life. I’m in love with my curls and I feel so much more confident in myself. When I have my bad days, at least I know my hair is behaving.

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