Rude Employees

Rude Employees

I know that everyone doesn’t like their job, but don’t take that anger out on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Cough.. security guards at NYU..cough.  There have been so many times when I have been yelled at or embarrassed by these security guards to a point where I am just so used to it. Today when it happened again after I was asking for some directions, I just got really fed up because the backlash and the tone were so unnecessary. After a long ouchy stare I shot at this man to me leaving and saying that was f****** rude loud enough for them to hear, I called my mom who was the only one who helped calm me down.

I know that these guards are around hormonal obnoxious teenagers/young adults all day so their days aren’t the best, however, I genuinely don’t see this as an excuse to be rude especially when this is the job that you agreed to do. In addition, that rudeness and anger often rub off on me. I’m still a bit agitated and I wouldn’t have thought to be this agitated after having a beautiful day prior to this happening. So yes one’s actions can ruin someone’s day. However, the unfortunate truth is that no one will care to watch their rudeness unless their pay or their personal lives are being impacted. Many students are already awful to deal with and the staff (the majority of them) do not make anything better.

I will start a new position tomorrow and I am very ecstatic to be put into a new environment. I promise that even if I am having a bad day, I won’t be rude to anyone I’m tending to. Let’s face it rudeness is contagious. You become more irritable as a person and I personally hate feeling this way. I remember retweeting what someone said (I think Cherishing flo), about how she can’t fathom people who are mean for no reason. There’s literally nothing being gained from being mean and rude. As a future employee, I really hope and will try my best not to add to the statistic of rude employees here at NYU. I like friendly people and therefore I try my best to be friendly as well (it makes everyone feel good). Nevertheless, my mom always told me not to carry my issues to work, and this makes total sense.

In short, I know that there will always be a time when everyone hates what they do (I have to blog about this because I have experience with this). But, please just consider being kinder because words and actions can really ruin someone’s day. As I was trying to find a quote, I came across this Pinterest page that I think has amazing  quotes on how to combat rudeness so check it out if you can 🙂


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